Our Donation Plans

We have divided our main goals into three parts to fulfill our duty more efficiently

Food for a family

Many of the families that are affected by the flood have lost their ability to earn such as farmers. So it is up to us to provide them with foods so they won't starve and become unhealthy.

Shelter for a family

Most families in the disaster area have their homes destroyed by the flood. We can build many shelters to help those people recover from the flood.

Education for a child

Education is one of the basic human rights. The children that have been affected by the flood are no exceptions. So they have to be provided with proper education system also.

Become a volunteer

You can get directly involved in volunteering works and help us reach even more locations that has been affected by floods. We will provide necessary tools that are needed for the work and we will also provide safety in the disaster area.

Contact Us

Comments By Our Top Donors

Jhankar Mahbub

Hello, I am Jhankar Mahbub. I am donating on behalf of the Programming Hero Community. Our country has been disaster-ridden since early 1990s. It is our duty to overcome such disasters by helping others.

Rasel Ahmed

Hi, I am Rasel Ahmed. I am donating to the poor because it is my civic duty to ensure every citizen is living their life equally.

Karina Islam

Hello, I am Karina Islam. I once was affected by disaster and lost everything. One donor helped me get my life back. I am returning such kindness by helping the people who are in need.

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